Object capture:
Data capture: Object data capture is similar to that of space or a large surface, its principle is superimposition. The change of proportions makes that a movable or immovable object can be digitally documented thanks to its small size, so it is possible in most cases to obtain photographs from its 360, which is of great importance because it is possible to alternate paths around the object at different distances and with different angle of focus.
Processing: To process the photographic data, the same actions must be performed by the program as in the previous example of space capture.
Starting with the “Image overlap” option in Settings, it is advisable to set the “Image overlap” option to “High” because an object, firstly due to its small size and secondly due to the number of photographs with high overlap, does not require the use of Control Points for its correct alignment.
After obtaining the point cloud, we continue with the mesh processing, therefore, we access to the section and select the normal detail option, if the alignment has been satisfactory, the reconstruction of the polygonal mesh does not require the settings to be retouched.
We observe if the reconstruction has been done in a satisfactory way, if it is the case we proceed then to cut the information of the excess mesh, that we don’t need. And we proceed to texture the object by pressing the Texture tool, obtaining the final result of the processing.