The main objective of this bock is to show the concepts and applicationofthree-dimensional modelling techniques as laser scanner and photogrammetry. Learning how to print 3D models and knowing the applications of this kind of printing are also aims here.
Learning Outcomes
To know how to use 3D scanning technology.
To know and use photogrammetry technology for 3D modelling.
To know 3D printing technology.
Evaluation Criteria
Capacity to create a point cloud using a Laser Scanner.
Capacity to create a 3D model of the terrain and a small building using point cloud processing software.
Capacity to integrate a terrain 3D model (generated from a point cloud) with a new construction BIM model using Revit.
Capacity to create a 3D model using a specific image processing software in the framework of photogrammetry technique.
Capacity to use 3D modelling software for 3D printing.
Capacity to print a 3D model.